Join us
Become a member of the Team du Sud RCZ association
Become a member of Team du Sud
it's joining a large family of RCZ enthusiasts.
The annual subscription is set at €50.
It gives the right to:
- A membership card in CB format to slip into your wallet.
- Exemption from the contribution of €10 per vehicle requested during outings to "non-members".
- An annual gift reserved for members (have already been offered for example A specific sun visor, an umbrella, a t-shirt...)
- Preferential rates on sales of clothing or goodies from our store.
Our association meets in a general assembly at the beginning of the year to report:
- different actions
- club finances
- share around projects
like any self-respecting 1901 association.
The Team du Sud RCZ is insured with Maïf.
Let’s share this passion
Different ways to join us
By postal mail
Team du Sud RCZ - 36, Clos Naudan
34560 Poussan, France